Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Is there more?

Do you ever find yourself hanging on tight to each and every day? Do ever look at yourself wondering if there's more to your crazy life? Who am I? Why am I so tired? Why am I weary? How do I get through one more day in the chaos? God, you've chosen me for this journey, you've put me on this path, but I don't know who ME is anymore.

I love being a mom, a wife, a friend, daughter; you name it I hold many titles, but some days I don’t want to hold those titles because in the midst of all that I have lost ME. I forgot what it’s like to just breathe, to laugh, to dance, and just be silly. I get caught up in what other’s think, in pleasing them, and in the mess of what I need to get done just to survive the day.

I want to be the person you designed me to be, I want to know what there is that I'm missing, I want that joy, the sunshine, the laughter, and I want to bear the fruit you've called me to bear, but for some reason I just can't. I'm falling behind and there's too much to do.  I'm trying to keep the upper hand, but I just keep falling apart.

The chaos and stress starts from the moment the alarm clock goes off, but really it remains in my head all day and all night.  Daily I struggle, daily I fail, daily I lose my patience, and daily I feel overwhelmed. I don’t like that person I see most days.

You know fellow mom, we all feel it, right? Surely it’s not just me. Our days are lonely, tiring, long, exhausting, and chaotic. There’s got to be more to this crazy life. What are we missing? I’m running to and from everything everyone wants me to do, when all I really want to do is be ME. We so desperately long to be loved unconditionally and appreciated beyond measures for all we do. We want to feel that embrace daily and be confident it will all be okay.

Sure, it's hard to admit, because we are moms. We are supposed to do it all.  Lately though, that’s where I am.  Are you finding yourself there as well? I'm overwhelmed, God can I really do all you are calling me to do anymore? I find myself asking that daily. Feeling like I'm not hearing anything other than the constant running. God what am I missing?

As I've worshipped and spent more and more time in the word I know what it is we are missing. It’s HIM. We are missing the Peace that God brings us. He has called us to rest in His arms, to BREATHE. To stop and fill our lungs with only what He can fulfill and that's Himself. He's perfect.  He loves us unconditionally. We are perfect in His sight. He sees all we are doing and He sees how hard we try to help further the Kingdom, His Kingdom. We aren't perfect and we fall short daily, but thankfully by His grace and the gift of salvations we are made new. His mercies are new every morning.

So, my fellow mom, take the time right now to just breathe. To worship and praise Him for all He is and will do in our lives, our kid’s lives, and in our marriages. Even in the midst of our craziness He is there waiting for us to fall into His everlasting arms and just breathe.  

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