Psalm 118:24 this is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.
657 days ago God planted the biggest seed our of lives. A seed of a Forever Princess, a seed of Forever Love, and a seed of Forever Trust in Him!
When this journey started our prayer as a family was that God would place this Princess where He felt she needed to be forever. That may or may not be our home and as hard as that would possibly be we prayed expectantly that God would fulfill His promise to this special Princess. Through the first few months of our journey as we prayed nightly together, teaching our boys that sometimes in life we want something so bad, but ultimately what we want is God's Will and God's Will alone. Through that we had to hold on and trust He was working it out for His good, not ours.
65 days after the seed was planted and our love was growing we got the call that God's Princess needed our home!! As we frantically ran to get new bedding, clothes, toys, etc we were anxious and scared of all she had been through and what this journey was now going to truly entail. Our family and friends came together in love and support as they poured their hearts out to not only us, but now to this Princess! At the beginning we didn't know truly what the plan for her was, but what we were confident in is that God had called us and was equipping us to carry out His plan.
For 592 days our home has been shared by a beautiful Princess! During these days I have often wondered what really goes through her mind. She must be scared. She lacks trust. She lacks love. She lacks forgiveness. She lacks a home. No child should have to endure all of this.
Many times we wanted to throw in the towel. God, why is this so hard? God, why can't she trust us? God, are we truly doing what you called us to do?
Each time He replied, YES!
We've held on
Today is the day we have prayed earnestly and expectantly for. Today is the day we have fasted for. Today is the day we have dreamt about. Today is the day we will come home with a FOREVER DAUGHTER OF THE KING!! Today is the day our boys gain a FOREVER SISTER! Today is the day our family and friends gain another BROWN!
I have been emotional already today. Excited, scared, nervous, overwhelmed, but most importantly at peace knowing that we have done exactly what God has called us to do and even through the midst of the storm, we held on trusting, obeying, and listening.
This is NOT our story, but God's story. This is our Journey that God has called us on and today FOREVER our lives will be changed!
1 Samuel 1:27 I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him.
Just as every parent is proud of their children and excited to show what God has created we too can't wait to introduce Our God Given Princess!!!!
Forever God is faithful
Forever God is strong
Forever God is with us
Forever and ever, FOREVER