Sunday, October 7, 2012

A New Chapter

So, recently I have been informed that I am a women of many many words, which is probably not a surprise to many who know me well! I have decided to start this blog for our family and boys. I am not much of a scrap-booker, so I have decided this will help the boys to remember all the fun, laughs, and hard times we have had and will have.

Just recently we were told that our sitter would no longer be able to babysit for the boys. Although the news was very unexpected and was hard to swallow (because this was the 3rd sitter in a year) I knew God was telling us something. I immediately called Clayton after dropping the boys off in tears and feeling like I couldn't do this again with our boys. The babysitter search for us was over. After many tears and prayers, we decided that God was truly trying to show us something. We have had this problem for multiple years, but always just tried to fix it and go on, but God has never let the fix be permanent. 

With all that I am now staying at home 6 days a week. The other day I am continuing with my job as a Home Health Nurse, while my parents help us with watching the boys. Selfishly this was not what I wanted to do because I love my job and love my patients, but for our family I knew it was exactly what I was to do at this time in our lives! This transition to the new chapter was oddly very smooth. My boss was understanding, allowing me to do what ever it was that I needed to get through this with my family. They had just recently hired a new nurse for our area (after searching for 6 months) who gladly filled my days that I needed to give up. It was almost scary to me to truly see how God was working in this situation. Our numbers for our "budget" do not look the best, but it is doable and already before starting He has already showed us possibilities of saving in different areas. We know 100% this will be rough and rocky, but we also have 100% confidence in our God knowing and believing that if we walk in obedience, He will bless us in ways we could have never imagined!!! How exciting is that!

My goal in all of this is to spend the time with my boys that I feel God has given me. We are praising him for this being our trial at this time in our lives. I hope that through this blog I can show them not only all the amazing and wonderful things they have done through their activities, or things we have done as a family, but most importantly ALL the AMAZING things GOD has and will do in our family!  My prayer is that God will work in our lives in a way we never saw and allow us to minister to others. I also pray that during this time my 3 boys will also see this amazing God we serve and will learn to love and trust him...FOREVER!

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