Thursday, May 5, 2016 This is the Day This is the Day: It's days like today that I just have to sit back and really be thankful for how blessed I am. 3 1/2 years ago our struggles with dayc...

This is the Day

It's days like today that I just have to sit back and really be thankful for how blessed I am. 3 1/2 years ago our struggles with daycare seemed to happen more and more. Never did I want to be a stay at home mom, so instead of really praying about it and seeking God's will I just tried to fix the situation with another daycare provider.

Selfishly I wanted to work. I love working. I love being out of the home. I love being with adults and feeling accomplished as a mom and wife. I felt when I worked I was able to give more to my kids and my husband because I was refreshed and ready to give my time and my self to others.

However, the daycare struggles continued and as God guided and spoke to us I started cutting back on work to be at home with the kids. Yea, it sounds crummy and sometimes when I have the feeling of wishing my time way, because I so desperately want to find myself again I feel crummy.

It was not an easy decision for me.  Being at home has put a strain on our finances, on our marriage, and on me with the daily demands of the kids. I never realized just how hard being a stay at home mom really is. I mean as a working mom we envy those who are at home getting the laundry done, dinner fixed, and the house cleaned daily. Their kids always look so put together and everyone seems happy, but I am here to tell you...IT'S NOT THAT EASY and that mom you are envious of because she's at home daily and your not is envious of you for getting time away.

My patience wears thin daily. I'm tired, exhausted, and overwhelmed. And sadly most days I find myself screaming because no one wants to listen. No one wants to pick up their dirty laundry. No one knows where a trash can is or the sink for dirty dishes and DAILY I find myself picking up and organizing the same things. UGH.

God, where are you in all of this? You called me here, but most days I don't feel you here?  I want to be all you designed me to be, but God I'm tired. I'm running daily and shuffling kids daily. God, show me what lies ahead.

Do you have those thoughts too? Are you too a tired mom who some days selfishly finds herself pouting because you just want to be alone. You long for a few minutes of silence. No one calling you Mom and no one following you in to the bathroom. Just silence.

Then something great happens. The field trips come, the many class parties, and the programs. It is during these times that I can hear God saying..."Don't wish these times away anymore. Embrace what I've given you. Sure it's hard, but with Me all this are possible. Find your rest in me and give all you can to your loved ones. Kala, you don't get this time back."

As I got the opportunity today to go on yet another field trip with my little one I found myself thanking God over and over for this time and this opportunity. As I looked into those big eyes that were full of excitement because Mommy was there was when I realized this is exactly where I'm suppose to be. We ran, skipped, laughed, played, looked at animals, fed animals, took a train ride, and just had fun. My little ones need that time alone with me just as much as I need that time alone with them.

Today let's make a commitment to really find the joy in our journey at home. No more wishing our time away, no more pouting because we don't get time away, but fully embracing all God has blessed us with. He has given us these little ones to train up to love and follow Him. It's hard for them to see that love and feel that love in our daily frustrations. Let's give all we can give even when the giving is slowing us down. Then at the end of the day fully seek our God who gives us full rest. Asking Him to continue helping us be all He wants us to be!

Psalm 118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

No matter where your struggles are today be glad we serve a God who is bigger. Embrace your loved ones and rest knowing God is near.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Monday Mercies

We Are Made New

On Sunday nights, when your head finally hits the pillow in total exhaustion do you ever find yourself dreading that alarm clock? Dreading another week of chaos? Dreading the fear of the unknown?

You’ve just finished another week full of running kids to and from practices and ballgames, school and school functions, church responsibilities, work, and then all your duties at home just seem to continue piling and now it’s yet another Sunday night and it’s all about to start over again.

Why and how did our lives become so hectic?  The alarm clock goes off and you realize your mind is still running. Is it really that dreaded Monday again, everyone’s dragging to get ready for school, kids tears are streaming because they are so tired, and no one can decide what they want to wear for the day.

While all this is going on we too find ourselves in tears because that list of “things” to do already seems impossible. We too are running around the house in tears, trying to get a load of laundry started, soaking baseball pants from a weekend full of ballgames, rushing the kids to get breakfast eaten, dressed, and out the door to school so we can get started on that “list.”

After I got the kids to school today, worked a few hours, and ran errands I then found myself once again in the kitchen with a sink full of dirt and grim. The dreaded scrubbing of the white baseball pants. The pants that accumulate so many grass stains and are daily covered in dirt.  The pants that cause me so much stress and time. However, these are the pants making memories. These are the pants that have been blessed beyond measure with so many talents and these are the pants my precious one wears.

As I scrub and scrub I find myself reflecting on my life. These white pants represent Jesus and all the filth and stains represents myself. Daily I am a mess. Daily I struggle with patience.  Daily I lose hope. Daily I fall short.  Daily I find myself still at the top of that to do list.

Then suddenly I get that glimpse of my precious Savior. God sent His son Jesus to die for us because He loves us so much. Because of Jesus’s death on the cross we have been given the gift of Salvation; The gift of Grace; The gift of Mercy; The gift of Love; The gift of forgiveness. I’m never going to be perfect. Daily I will stumble and fall. My knees are going to get dirty and my body is going to get banged up from my daily struggles, but because of Jesus all things are made new!

He is perfect! Daily He picks us up, brushes us off, and cleans our stains. He reminds us of His love for us and that new mercies are given.  He is our light and our shield. He knows each and every thing about us, and even better… He knows that struggle before it ever happens. He never grumbles, He never complains, He never grows weary. He just simply picks us up right where we left off.  Brushes us off and continues loving us despite our stains. Wow, what an amazing gift our Father truly is.

He has blessed us with amazing talents and gifts that we should be using for Him and using to help further the Kingdom. Yes, it’s not easy. Yes, it can be overwhelming and even scary. But my friend, to Him all glory is given. Let’s rest in His presence. Let’s thank Him daily for not only our to do list, but all of the blessings He’s given us.  Let’s seek Him and thank Him for the gift of forgiveness. Let’s be looking for what it is that He is calling us to do for Him, not look for what we want, but what it is that pleases our Father. Lastly, let’s hold on to His word, His promises, and just trust. He’s got this. We are renewed daily.