Throughout most of our journey we thought we were going to end the case with Guardianship and not adoption, because the "team" just did not think adoption was going to happen with this judge or in the county we are working with. We however knew different. We know, believe, and trust in the God we serve and although we have left that courtroom many times completely destroyed and defeated we have never lost our Faith. We fought and pushed never giving up.
I won't lie, many times giving up seemed easier, but God continued to bless us through His Princess showing us many things along the way. His power, His mercy, His grace, and His control never stopped and in fact He still continues opening doors for our family and our God given Princess.
Over the past year and a half we have witnessed just how hard addiction can be in a person's life, but thankfully through that God has also shown us beautiful things about this person with the addiction and how similar our lives really are.
Addiction is hard. Addiction tears lives and families apart. Addiction is dark and daunting. However, addiction is no different than any other sin. Gossiping, lying, judging, living beyond your means, excess eating, adultery, etc, but yet we are so quick to put those down with addiction and pass those judgements when sin is sin.
We have seen first hand just what addiction can do to a child and to a family. It's heartbreaking, frustrating, and even confusing. As I have wasted so much time being angry, worrying, feeling overwhelmed, and even doubting that God can truly do the impossible.
A few months ago I looked into another mother's eyes seeing that I am a sinner just like her. The only difference is that I have been saved. I have been redeemed, and daily I have to come to the feet of Jesus begging for forgiveness, because I have been shown God's grace and mercy. I know just how powerful the gift of salvation is and I see the power in prayer.
Because of this I have also prayed earnestly expecting God to do amazing things in this mother's life. God things, life changing things, Salvation things. Sure, it's been hard, but I see the good in her. I see the amazing life God wants for her.
Through this journey God has shown us the impossible. I have witnessed a selfless mom making the hardest, but yet best decision of her life, signing those termination papers. Regardless of what has happened I can't truly imagine what was going on in her mind. As we locked eyes, I saw her heart, I felt her love, and I saw her how Jesus sees her. It was the most AMAZING feeling! God did the impossible!
After that meeting, we embraced and have done so many times, but this time it was different. I looked her in eyes and told her to be ready. She looked at me with confusion, but because I know God hears our prayers and I am praying expectantly I know that He IS and WILL do something amazing in her life. It may be tomorrow it may be 10 years, but I will not stop praying for her and the gift she has given her child. The gift of life, and forever love.
TODAY, however was the actual hearing for Termination of Parental Rights. It's a day we have been earnestly praying for. A day that we thought many times was not going to happen, but continued on the path God set in front of us. A day that brings so much joy to one family, but so much heartache and hurt to another.
As a mom I am still trying to wrap my mind and emotions around all of this. Although I am blessed to know we are about to have a big celebration and an adoption day, my heart still aches for this beautiful mom. This journey has shown me how important it is to speak life into people and plant the seeds we are called to plant. We are witnesses to all around! I can't wait for the day she is saved and her life is forever changed because I know God is at work!
Adoption Day is coming and so is Jesus!!
#fosterlove #sinissin #selflesslove #Godsnotdone#bighurdlejumpedbyGod #beautyfromashes #Godsnotfinishedyet
You are are wonderful Godly example and I am so happy for you and your family. God is just waiting for her to ask so He can cover her in His grace and mercy as he has those who have received the gift of eternal salvation. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. Love ya, dear friend!