Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Did He REALLY Just Say That?!

So, I’m trying to peer out of denial and admit I am a mother of 5! YIKES!!  Who does this??? I guess when it is not on purpose I am to count it as a BIG blessing from God and thank Him for believing I am a powerful Mom! Right?  Well, I’m still trying to see myself in that way, but believing God truly has a big and mighty plan for this growing family.

I’ve always been an exercising Mom. It’s my outlet and my away time from all these little and even big people in my life. However, right now with an extra 25 pounds added on to my 5ft 1in frame the workouts are getting harder and my body is slowing down. My muscles are achy and my body is stiff. I am NOT moving normal anymore!

After my workout today I find myself back to the daily demands of laundry, cleaning, dusting, sweeping, mopping, and picking up after all these people living with me. I’m walking through the living room to see my, oh so sweet 11 year old son snuggled in a blanket playing his favorite game. He truly brings me so much joy UNTIL…

I walk by minding my own business and simply say, “Man, I am so tired.” You know as I am walking back and forth with my extra weight and added aches trying to get this house back together and a million stresses on my mind. And I hear this….

“Mom, now you know exactly how I feel?” Says, my sweet 11-year-old son.  WHAT? Surely he did not really just say this to me! How you feel? Sleeping in until 10, then lounging around all day without a worry in the world. WHAT?

I sweetly say, “Oh honey, you have NO idea what tired really feels like.” Then it starts, but not in anger I just simply state my daily activity to him!!

Alarm clock goes of at 5am just to get quiet time with God and to have 1, 2, or maybe even 3 cups of coffee to get me through the day. I then get kids up, dressed, fed, and to school. If I am not working out of the home, like today I then hurry to the gym to get that workout in. Yes, it may be slower, but it is still happening! Now I am home feeding you, my sweet son breakfast and watching you lounge as I switch laundry in and out, fold it, and maybe if I get to it put it away. Dust each and every room in the house, sweep, mop, and vacuum all floors.  All the while I am trying to figure out how to pay all the bills, get kids to and from practices and games 6 days a week, rack my brain for dinner ideas, and be that powerful mom God must think I am.

Yes, practices and games 6 days a week, son. You know while you are sleeping to and from and I am driving, but so desperately wanting to doze because I AM TIRED!!!!!!!!! Please, do NOT ever speak those words to me again! Oh and to top it off…He know wants to know if he should get swimming trunks on so we can swim today! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

I don’t know about you, but this momma is worn out and tired, but each and every day I am thanking God for the aches and pains and yet another day to serve Him. Today He has really shown me just how much these other people living with me need to do around here, because they simply do not know what tired really is! However, I will give them this one piece of advice today…. NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER AGAIN, say to me…”Mom, now you know how I feel.” I am pretty sure they do NOT want to walk in these tired, worn out shoes!

 But I do pray what they want to do is continue serving and praising God in the midst of each and every storm that will come their way knowing God’s plan is always the best, maybe not the easiest, but the BEST! I pray they will learn to be servants of God, taking responsibility, being respectful, and have the love of helping others! I also pray that Clayton and I will continue working together even in our storm seeing God’s faithfulness and sharing that testimony with our kids so they too will find the faithfulness of God.  Join me today in your storm praising God!

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